I hope I got the words correct. Haha! It means "if the world has no
'sorry' word..." I think. I mean, I heard this phrase from Tegomass'
new song! D: which is super nice yeah. :D
Errr, well I guess half of the world population have already forgotten
what the word 'sorry' is. People now are too egoistic to admit their
mistakes. Actually, I don't know if it's their pride or something else
that makes them not say sorry. In cases like, let's say, if there's a
traffic accident and the two owners of the cars involved comes out to
'negotiate' as the term they normally use. Usually both will not admit
their mistakes and what's more they want the other to take all the
blame. Everyone knows that's not right. Nobody should take all the
blame in any situation (yes, not even murder). But what's stopping
them to say "sorry" and just pay for each other's damage? It's easier
than going to court and create all the unnecessary hoo-ha. So is that
pride? Or is it money?
Another scenario to think about is the normal bumping-into-each-other.
And yes, people all over the world do that. And like 95.38495% of them
don't apologise. Whhhhhyyyyy? Is it because they're in a hurry? Is it
because they think we get bumped so many times we should be used to
it? And that it is just normal human contact and it's normal so no
'sorry' is needed in the making? Nah I don't think so. It is not
normal and it is certainly not JUST human contact. It's human violence
if I have to say. But it's a violence that can be forgiven with a
sorry, yes.
Many people don't know the power of an apology. It is really really
really powerful. Ok maybe only to me, maybe you guys are different, I
don't know. I remember a few instances I was mollified by that
powerful word. It's like some healing power. I am not exaggerating.
But then again, if you think about it, if everyone were to be that
nice, wouldn't the world be so boring? :)
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