Friday, October 20, 2006

Honestly, I don't like people who likes Japanese stuffs just because they think that they're cool. Like, somehow to attract attention? And speaks Japanese because they're cool too? Just because you know some like 0.0000000000000001% of their language you are considered 'jap-py?' Worst is that you paste some japanese phrases onto your msn nicks, friendster profile, etc and you don't even know what it means. Please, being jap-py doesn't make you cool, just like... smoking? Don't act so jap-py around me without appreciating their 'culture'. hmms. I know that was unnecessary but i say what i wanna say.
Today's a dumb and boring day. zzzz. But BUT! Tomorrow i'll be going to watch DN with my cousins!! yay!
Oh ya, today discussed with drama people about the drama camp. Shoud be 13, 14, 15 tentatively. urrrh/