Saturday, June 06, 2009

Dinner with GR and Tanthy at Shokudo yesterday.
Well, GR said something about a friend that erm... how do i put it... shocked me but at the same time, didn't surprise me? So then I decided to pop by 'her' blog. Quite interesting how the two views contradict each other. Ahaha. Anyhoo.
This week was spent, meaningfully but not ideally.
Well, I managed to catch up with 2/3 of my friends whom I've neglected for a few months or weeks or days. Like i didn't see GR since... Tanthy's birthday on January?
As I was saying, I've been going out almost everyday last week and didn't do my revision. Damn.

I've been dreaming about ghosts for three days straight. I wonder if there's some hidden message to it. hmm....