Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Cut off

So this week so far I've spent the days with my family and no one else. Though I stayed over at Tomei's to keep her company twice [Still, she's family!]
Many of my friends are now in ShangHai, Japan, Melbourne, Li Jiang, Yang Shuo and what-not... It's kinda lonely. Your handphone doesn't ring for days! D:
Volleyball training ended last week. There'll be a beach volleyball match between the Juniors, Seniors and the Alumni on the 12th. We're going to be trashed, as usual, hur. That reminds me... There's a 1S04 BBQ on the 12th? Or is it the 13th? Ah well, I'll confirm with them soon. Life is so boring without Volleyball. It doesn't help that my volleyball mysteriously disappeared from its usual spot - the balcony. It doesn't help that I am saving up for many more things such as a pair of rollerblades, a skateboard, a Wii remote and nunchuck, and of cos christmas present for everyone. And the thing is I've only got a $200 budget. Damn, I need to save up more.
So I've been spending the days with my family, or more like my lappie. God knows how many Arashi or NEWS video I've watched or downloaded. Laughing my ass off watching Utaban, captivated by NEWS' Never Ending Wonderful Story concert [Haven't finished though], listening to NEWS' newest album, Color, watching the PVs over and over again, heart pounding when watching Junjou Terrorist... Hur. Haven't I been spending a good time?