Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I know my period will start soon. Know why? I'm starting to get emo! D:
Urgh! All these unnecessary thoughts just flooded my mind. Can you all just get out?! *kills thoughts*
I've been occupying my brain with useless thinkings, esp when I see certain... uhm, scenerios.
And I'm starting to not care about others. Ignorant, yea.
I'm starting to miss home, even when i'm only in school.
I'm starting to have low ego. It's BAAAD, trust me. The feeling of wanting to just lock yourself in your house and not get out and face the world. BAD.
Might be the STRONG medicine Doc gave. Made my head blank... uhm, as in... I dunno... Like making me think today was a dream. Everything was a dream. Everything i did, i see, i heard are just sth i imagined. OMYGOSH SOMEONE HELP ME!
I think my brain's burning. I really really need a week off.