Friday, December 12, 2008

Tags and I'm back!

Tagged by CHARIZARD!

Put down facts about yourself, the number of facts will be based on your age.
Then tag 5 other people.
1. I'll have a funny feeling at my stomach when I watch lovey dovey scenes. Sometimes, my right arm will hurt.
2. I'm irritated and disgusted by the sound of people chewing their food with their mouth open.
3. My new room is a quater the size of my previous one. Hur.
4. I just realised I'm tone deaf. Sorry to the people who have endured for the past years.
5. I can't sleep if I don't read before bedtime.
6. Weird fetish: I like guys with nice specs. Esp thick framed black.
7. The only two guys whom i think has a hawt bod are Reita and Sakurai Sho. xD
8. I like to laugh at people's chou zhao, even if i don't know them
9. I'm scared of lizards.
10. I'm not smart :D
11. I prefer to watch videos at home than to go out. xD
12. I restrict myself alot [In terms of behaviour and manners]
13. I like red butterfly accessories
14. I like trying out dresses but feels weird to actually wear them out
15. My knees feels weird when I drink alcohol, even though it's only a sip.
16. I used to sleep at 8pm everyday. It has now changed to 11pm and onwards. MASSIVE CHANGE! >D
17. I'm turning 18 next year!

Tag: Whoever wants to do it. ^^

On the side note, I've officially moved to hougang! WOOHOO!