Thank you Jasmine, JIIEMUII`X FOREBBAX! Friday 13 is not unlucky afterall. ^^
Yesterday went out with YT, sy and samuel after bio mock. Looong day!
Met at 1pm. Sam and yt are late. Headed to Cosfest at Pasir Ris Park. More photographers than cos-ers.

Tried to pose. XD

THese kids are so cute!!!!!!


Kira X Lacus

Akatsuki Member. Seriously, i don't know who he is! D:

Lolita. My fave! She looked really nice!

Headed to the arcade and played. FUN!

Before leaving, went to meet Jingy! Natarii was with her (Sorry i mistook Natarii for Yuki! >.<) So funny cos she was with a bunch of friends. The convo is like... yj: Hey, are they from your Fanclub? Jing: err... no... yj: Ya, only Natarii right? Bunch of friends: *acts fangirl* ahhhhh! Jing talked!! Ahhhhhh!! She's so cooool! LOL LAAAAAAAAAAA! Went to take the MRT. Saw Michelle Teo and her bf at the bus stop. The train journey was loooong. Finally reached Marina sq. Bought tix and ate at Suntec Sakae Sushi. =.=

Walk around at Suntec. Went to Atsuki. Meh, all the same.
Then to Toysrus.
PLAYED. Like OMG WE'RE SO CHILDISH! Played with the masks, the hammers, the dolls... had a hulahoop competition also!

Went back to Marina sq and went to the roof top.
Can HEAR the NDP parade but couldn't see. But the plane is super cool ok!!! SUUUUPA COOL!!! <3<3 onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhdQWIcxQLr_tGyYpExWcEUQq2-XcVEFfMJqoibEkYVZDrlHejsFicGuVv2eVpNlNUuYYBgXrjz-AD39beg91bBBg1-0cERq2RzKJm4Wq-X1_cTkULaE09lFn16PFgUq82IjjBHlw/s1600-h/DSC01707.JPG">

Cam-whored abit. these are only from my cam. More pics on their cam.

Went down and saw Jasmine and aaron. Sorry Jasmine, again for not jio-ing you. ^^
Watched Harry Potter. Meh, I never liked it. But it's ok i think.

Watched till 10pm. And went home. Meh, The P5 kids are still so lively after watching the NDP while i almost slept while walking.

Last Pic of the day, Goodbye City Hall. Photo Credits to nsy.
Really enjoyed myself that day. Thanks peeps.
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