Friday, September 01, 2006

I realised something. When i look closely at my neos, I look damn uglei. Well, 3 more memories for today =D I blog again cos I'm bored. Waiting for my itoko ichigo to reply if she can stay overnight tomorrow. YAWNS.
Anyway, on the bus home today, I thought of something.
A bird. It has an owner. The bird is ok with its owner while its owner loved it very very much. So much that the owner attached a string to the bird so that it will not fly away. Sometimes the owner will let the bird out of the cage and let it fly around, but with the strings attached, the bird cannot fly too far. The bird looked into the sky. It wants to soar, just like the other birds in the sky. But no, it can't. The bird can either hope that the string breaks, or wait till the owner set it free.
Well, this is a story about freedom. Think about it.
I know i'm not a good story teller but heck, I just made it up.
ok. Just got my itoko's message. I'll be staying overnight at her house! YOSSHHH! Can watch Air Gear!! Wh333333331!!!!!!!